Exhaustion happens, sometimes undermining our determination to be available to our partners when they’re hoping to be physically intimate. Create a back-up plan. A: “I just don’t have it in me, but I DO have something for you, from my heart to yours,” strategy.

  • Have a specific adult intimacy aid/novelty that ONLY comes out for these times.

  • Hand select a few erotica stories that you read to them to impact their thought life.

  • Take the time to place some lube, either warmed or cold depending on how they prefer it, and be available to touch them vaginally, to start to arouse them.

  • Just hold the head of that penis, or the scrotum, for a dedicated few minutes with true affection.

  • Apply a soft gentle massage to their groin.

  • Keep it all about the breasts or nipples.

  • Buy a card or board game whose focus is all about sexual topics.

  • Pick up a book on positions to inspire your game plan for when energy returns.

  • Cruise the ZARZAND site togetherand make a list of future dates you want to enjoy.

Don’t forget to use other enhancements such as pillows & specially made physical props that are available on the market when energy is running low. Plan ahead; it’s not all about being spontaneous. Communicate with your lover about what their actual level of need is, before stressing out about what can or can’t be accomplished. Our undivided full attention is sometimes the more erotically fulfilling thing we can offer a partner.