Sometimes it’s nice to stop and do something together that’s relaxed and brings a few laughs, and if it’s easy on the wallet, that doesn’t hurt either! Hit the local toy store and pick up some of the simpler games you played as a kid.When was the last time you played Slap Jack, Jenga or a Barrel of Monkeys? Pick up some marbles, perhaps a ball & jacks, or maybe a Nerf gun.
Consider hand motor skill or visual issues of whoever’s playing. Things like the wind-up airplane kits are pretty popular for those stuck in bed or at hospitals. The Barrel of Monkey’s idea is also a fun pick-me-up at rehab facilities and hospitals when left as a challenge beside a bed for staff to participate in with the patients. At home Care givers, same goes for you, leave a pile next to your loved one’s bed. Every time you come through for a whole day, make it a game. Even if they can’t physically participate, make a bet out of it.Looser has to hand out a kiss! It’s all about bringing on a smile. : )