What Can Be Accomplished in 60 Seconds was originally created to meet the needs of our visitors within the PTSI/PTSD community. It has since proven itself useful to no small number of other groups as well.
    The ZARZAND team has collectively spent hundreds of hours compiling the following list of ideas in WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED IN 60 SECONDS. What you will find here are two distinct lists of ideas, each one tailored to meet the needs of our visitors according to how they realistically see their ability to extend romantic gestures on each given day.
    Simple Acts Of Kindness will be just that, ideas that are ONLY acts of kindness and encouragement:
    • NOTHING that includes even brief physical contact exchanges.
    • NOTHING that includes the following relationally based terms: love, sex, commitment, marriage, touch, intimacy or similar language.
    • NOTHING that requires or asserts they will physically travel outside their personal comfort zone of their home environment (including just going outside or into a partner’s bedroom.)
    • NOTHING that implies that they will have to hold conversations with the recipient of their actions.
    • NOTHING that implies they will come into contact with someone else as a result of them extending a gesture (unless the extender needs physical assistance to carry through the idea due to physical/medical considerations)
    Material in Romantic Gestures will offer ideas which leave room for the originator to extend an invitation for physical contact to be exchanged, and in some instances, sexual contact:
    • Suggested uses of terminology will reflect a more intimate nature both relationally as well as sexually.
    • Various ideas will require some movement outside of and/or around the house, including a bedroom.
    • This section will also contain ideas that open the door to conversation being exchanged between the extender and their recipient.
    Careful consideration has been paid to each of the two different “comfort zones,” and attention given to how each idea is phrased to reflect that. Every suggestion has been scrutinized and rigorously tested to avoid triggers within the parameters outlined at the beginning of each section.