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- Tell me what you were thinking on the day we met.
- What do you remember seeing, feeling, thinking, smelling?
- What is your favorite memory from the first year of our relationship?
- What is your favorite memory from the first year we were married?
- What is your favorite memory from the last year?
- Why did you decide you wanted to see me romantically a second time?
- What specific strengths of yours were you hoping would stand out, so I’d like you all the more when we first started dating?
- What were my first strengths that stood out to you once we got to know one another?
- Was there any part to my details that made you reach down deeper into yourself and say, I can help them with that?
- Which one of my friends or family made you feel the most welcome in my world? How?
- What was the one part of my world that seemed the most challenging originally but now seems a lot easier?
- Which part of me physically just seemed to automatically bring a smile to you when we first got to know one another?
- Knowing me better today than you did when we first went out, where would you take me on that first date now? Where do you think I’d take you?
- Whom did you first risk telling how you were feeling about me romantically?
- Was there any song that when you heard it or sang it, in your mind, it was sung to me?
- Travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Whom would you take?
- Be a fly on the wall in any place in history, where would you land?
- Have dinner with three famous people alive today, who would they be?
- Have dinner with three famous people no longer living, who would they be?
- Choose your last meal, what would it be?
- Be any animal, exotic or domestic, that’s also my pet, what would it be? Why?
- Change one decision you made in your life, what would it be?
- You have an endless budget on Amazon, but you can only choose one department to purchase from with those funds, what is it?
- You can only choose one genre or musical style to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Is there a celebrity out there whom you would choose as your life coach, if that was an option?
- If your biography was put on an audio file, whose voice would you love to have read it?
- If you were kidnapped, whom would you most want to lead the search for you, fictional or not?
- What one celebrity would you call before any other to entertain at your birthday party?
- If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
- If you could give your best friend one super power right now, what would it be?