- All the logic, plans, and statistics won’t keep my heart from hammering in my chest. But your presence eases it. Thank you.
- And if today all you did was hold yourself together, I am proud of you.
- Appointment after appointment, clinic after clinic, treatment after treatment, you still keep a regular attitude that says, “Every day is a good day to have a good day.” I don’t know how you do it, but I sure admire that.
- Bedding needed changing again for the zillionth time, and you just rolled with it and never let on whether you wanted to scream or cry or anything. You’re incredible. And I mean that.
- Bed sores that are tunneling are pure hell. You rarely complain. Most of us would. I’m sorry you have to be so gracious/brave about it all.
- Being both strong and weak seems pretty reasonable to me. You pull off both. I respect that.
- Being depressed isn’t half as hard as people think it is. It's 100% harder. I think you are one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, even when you feel at your weakest. The fact that you’re still here is proof of that.
- Best bedding and chux changer award goes to: YOU. Thanks, I know it’s a thankless job. But this is me thanking you.
- Caregiver pat on the back moment… You deserve a lot more than that by the way.
- Caregiver, advocate, cheerleader, motivator. You wear a lot of hats. I like your “Tries to only buy socks without seams and shirts without irritating tags,” side the most, though.
- Colostomy bag or no colostomy bag, we’re gonna “do the sexy…” Yep. You heard me. You and me, we do a great job of being sexy.
- Cuddling with you is all I want; it’s impossible to get anything else done when your arms are near.
- Cuddling up to those icy legs reminds me less of your poor circulation, and more about your hottie butt than you probably believe, but it's a true story. I love being able to crawl in bed with both.
- Depression doesn’t respond to the phrase, “ Just suck it up,” or, “Put your brave on.” But my heart sure responds to the way you bump up softly against me, or take my hand and squeeze it gently when you hear someone throw those out, no matter how well intentioned.
- Depression sometimes makes me feel like I’m not as masculine, or I’m weak, because it involves struggling emotionally. You’ve never once implied I need to “man up.” Your understanding is my greatest support each and every day.
- Depression sucks so much life out of me during my day. I’m grateful you’re willing to help counter that by holding me at night when it does.
- Even the tiniest act of kindness by you can have a massive ripple effect inside of me on my rougher days. You need to know that your compassionate side is life-changing.
- Even though we’re not side-by-side at night, you still make me feel close.
- Even when my best efforts don’t turn out the way you were hoping, you still make every effort to enjoy what I did bring to the table. Thank you.
- Every crisis forks the road one of two ways—one toward hope, and one toward despair. You’re choosing to hope despite what’s going on right now. Your strength is unexplainable.
- Every day, you see others in my position doing better, yet you celebrate me, including the parts of me no one else notices.
- Fist Bump: I noticed that you asked for help today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you acknowledged I wasn’t ready to go, but you had the courage to say that you needed to.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you actually said how you were feeling.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you allowed yourself a small moment to feel sorry for yourself. Seems fair.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you asked about what mental health services you could access.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you asked for feedback.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you asked questions on your own.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you ate.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you booked a counseling appointment.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you brushed your hair.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you called the doctor’s office back.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you called your sponsor.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you came for at least part of the get-together.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you changed your dressings without me.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you chose to eat what you cooked today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you cleaned your port.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you did your skin care today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t flinch when they said they wanted to keep me rather than letting us head home. Thanks for reassuring me it was okay with you.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t frown when you looked in the mirror today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t get back in their face, but stepped back instead. They were lucky.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t hang up when put on hold.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t hide that you had some tears happening.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t leave all the lights on.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t let forgetting drain your self-esteem this time.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t sleep in the same clothes you wore all day.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t swear at the Doc today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you didn’t tell anyone I’d been a real pain in the bleep
- Fist Bump: I noticed you drank enough water.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you dropped it rather than flare up about it.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you gave yourself permission to grieve for a bit.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you got dressed today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you got up before noon.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you got up today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you grabbed a nap.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you listened to your voicemails.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you made a doctor appointment.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you made a follow-up appointment after it hurt so bad last time.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you made a follow-up appointment after therapy.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you made eye contact just now.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you opened the curtains today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you refilled your meds.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you rested.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you said NO rather than letting them say yes for you.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you said you were taking off rather than just quietly leaving.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you set out your meds for the week.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you showed up on time for your appointment.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you showered.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you took a walk.
- Fist bump: I noticed you took time to catch up with your reading/TV show/hobby instead of doing just what my care required for a moment today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you took time to stop today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you took your meds today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you walked away instead of arguing.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you wanted to stay longer, but were willing to leave because I needed to. And you were gracious to me afterwards too.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you washed your hair.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you went food shopping.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you went outside.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you were honest about saying you weren’t coming again, but asked if you could be invited next time anyway.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you were honest about saying you wouldn’t be coming.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you wore something short-sleeved today.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you’re accepting help transferring.
- Fist Bump: I noticed you’re remembering to log.
- Fist Bump: I noticed your eyes watered when they said my labs were better. Thanks for caring like that.
- Fist Bump: I noticed your test strips are getting used more often.
- I noticed your eyes watered when they said my numbers had dropped. Thanks for caring like that.
- FLAWSOME ~ Adj. A person who embraces their flaws, and still knows they’re awesome anyway/regardless…
- Forget about what’s happened— it's history. You're about to do something brand new, and I'm proud of you.
- ** HIGH FIVE** For agreeing to talk this out face-to-face instead of over text.
- **HIGH FIVE** For not gagging.
- **HUGH FIVE** For being the first to reach out and say you’re sorry.
- **HIGH FIVE** For saying no to something, even though you knew it was going to upset most everyone else. I’m with you on this one.
- **HIGH FIVE** For smiling at the Dr. today, while setting them straight on a few things at the same time. That was Oscar-worthy!
- Holding your hand makes me feel safer.
- Holding your hand gives me strength and comfort.
- How am I supposed to be productive when I can't stop staring at you?
- How does it feel to be the hottest guy here?
- How does it feel to be the most beautiful girl in the room?
- How’d I get so lucky?
- I am honored by your willingness to sacrifice so much, all for the sake of meeting my needs day in and day out.
- I appreciate all the extra kindnesses you do for me, in addition to everything else.
- I appreciate that you’re able to accept and honor my feelings, even when I’m fighting them.
- I appreciate the fact that you actually listen to me, versus giving me the feeling that you’re just waiting for your turn to talk.
- I appreciate the fact that you’re able to forgive me without having to also find some way to punish me. It makes it safe to own my shit with you.
- I appreciate your agreeing to this new treatment. Not because you feel you need more days yourself, but because I'm not ready to not need you.
- I associate so many good memories with you. On my rougher days, you need to know how much those can buffer me from being overwhelmed or emotionally towed under.
- I can be myself when I’m with you.
- I couldn’t have made it without you today.
- I didn't need you to fix me; I needed you to love me while I got myself fixed. Thank you for understanding and supporting that.
- I feel free to mess up around you.
- I feel like I’ve always been the family’s big screw-up. You don’t talk to me that way, though, or knowingly leave me stuck in that thought-rut whenever you can help it. Thanks.
- I feel talked to, rather than accused, when you approach me about stuff, and I appreciate that.
- I hate that you’ve looked gorgeous all day and I’m not there to appreciate it.
- I have a hard time retaining anything, it feels like half the time. But I know this much: you're one of those rare people who doesn't forget his promises.
- I just want to be honest and say that I visually enjoy you.
- I know my open sores are hard to face some days; you're so good about focusing through rather than flinching. That takes strength I'm not sure very many people appreciate about you, but I do.
- I like that we talk WITH each other, rather than TO each other.
- I like the way your mind works.
- I love loving you.
- I love that you stay positive and happy, versus allowing the negativity and drama of our world to get you down.
- I love the way you appreciate all the not-so-big things I do for you.
- I love the way you help others
- I love the way you say, “I’m not going anywhere.” I bank it every single time in my less- than-trusting places.
- I love when you spend the morning shopping; your clothing represents your personality so well.
- I love when you take time to be healthy.
- I love when you take time to be silly.
- I love when you take time to care for your body.
- I love when you take time to explain your thoughts to me.
- I love when you take time to rest.
- I never feel controlled by you; thank you for letting me be free to make choices.
- I never have to wonder if I’m “on your radar.” You’re really good at that, without making me feel “watched” too. Thank you.
- I noticed your new hair color; you look even more like you.
- I think you look the hottest in your sweats.
- I used to think you took too long to get ready, but now I enjoy your enjoying you.
- I want to thank you for agreeing to still stay in one bed.
- I want to thank you for still touching me whether I can feel it or not.
- I want to thank you for not pushing totouch me right now while I adjust to all this.
- I want you to know I notice all the times you push aside your sadness in order to help me focus on my future.
- I'll never finish falling in love with you.
- I’m exhausted; it’s hard work missing you. But totally worth it.
- I’m thinking about you. I do that a lot. Well, I mean like 24/7 a lot.
- I’m thinking about you. You make that pretty easy to do.
- I’ve never known anyone more gracious than you.
- If beauty were time, you’d be eternity.
- If you don’t stop being so gorgeous, I’ll burn dinner.
- In a season where I can’t seem to catch my breath half the time, I want you to know, you’re my deep breath. The place I can actually stop to breathe.
- It could be -30 degrees in here and your eyes would still melt me.
- It makes me happy to see you spend money on yourself.
- It never stops to impress me when I see you set boundaries for yourself and then stick to them. You have no idea how much I respect that in you.
- It’s a privilege to see you out with the boys.
- It’s so incredibly hard to allow myself to be vulnerable enough to express how I’m feeling. Thank you for being patient with that side to me.
- It’s my greatest joy to meet your needs.
- Just because I can’t communicate so well doesn’t mean you avoid conversation with me. I genuinely appreciate that.
- Just because you took longer than others doesn’t mean you failed. It’s pretty impressive that you were ballsy enough to keep working at it.
- Living the dream we didn’t want. I’m lucky, though, because I have you. You’re all I could ever want.
- My alone time is sometimes for your safety. Thank you for not making me feel shitty about that.
- My being strong today meant less to you than my being honest about how weak I was feeling instead. Thank you.
- My biggest problem in life is describing how beautiful you are.
- My details are always changing. Thank you for being willing to keep adjusting to my world.
- My embarrassment (discouragement) today almost felt like it was going to seriously be my “last straw.” Thanks for saving me from that moment like only you can.
- My love for you burns stronger than any urinary tract infection ever could!
- My story isn’t one of those where there’s been some big breakthrough or “overcoming,” when it comes to my disability. Your being in that story with me all along the way has been my big miracle.
- My strength in the middle of what we’re facing means less to you than my being able to show how raw or dark or broken my emotions really are. Nothing about my world feels very safe right now, nothing, except for you.
- Nice job asking for help, even though I know your ego was begging you not to.
- Nobody listens to my venting better than you.
- No one pushes me to keep up with my own self-care more than you do. Thank you.
- Not ever. Not even once --- have I ever thought I’d be okay losing you.
- Nothing terribly sexy about a colostomy bag, but you haven’t let that slow down our sharing intimacy, and I can’t thank you enough for that.
- Ooooh scars. I love to kiss scars. Your scars in particular, 'cuz they’re on my favorite human ever!
- Okay, so our sex life is a little unique. Unique works just fine for me so long as it means it’s you I get to come to bed with. I love being next to you.
- Okay, you’ve been a bit of a mess today. Can’t deny it. But you’re one heck’uva HOT mess.
- Others burn candles to set a romantic mood. I know we do in order to cover up odors. You win the greatest lover award for not making me feel like a *bleep* for that.
- Our sex life doesn’t look like it used to, but so long as it’s you touching me, and I get to be the one touching you, I think we’re pretty damn lucky.
- Over the course of time, a billion people have been born, and there are millions of places they live out their lives. I could have missed knowing you. That thought kills me.
- People are always saying that I look so strong. I’m not sure what they’re seeing; it must look pretty different on the outside versus the inside. I don’t feel so strong most of the time. I’m grateful you’re okay with knowing that about me.
- People can have their heroes. I’ll keep YOU!
- People don’t realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of a panic/anxiety attack. I watched you do that today. Proud of you.
- People feel as though they can comment to you on what’s going on with me, even without an invitation. I love it that you shrug those off or shut them down as best possible. I know it gets old.
- People refer to this as a “journey.” It’s no frickin' journey. You choose to go on a journey. We’re getting drug along this path, whether we like it or not. I appreciate the fact that you never use that word. It really sets me off.
- Remember when yesterday was today? You thought you'd never make it to tomorrow? It's tomorrow.
- Reminders of what you’ve been through, like your scars, don’t distract me on any level from enjoying watching you undress, or be around me naked. You are 110% beautiful. Every single detail of you.
- Right at this moment, for reasons beyond my comprehension, I love every single thing about you.
- Seeing me naked, and all my scars, hasn’t seemed to stop you from looking at me as if I’m eye candy. Thank you. That does a lot for my self-esteem/courage.
- SEX! There I said it. I miss having sex. But your being here with me, despite all this medical %$#@! --- is 100 times better than the best climax.
- So far you've survived 100% of your worst days. You're doing great!
- So it doesn’t get erect anymore; I still love getting to handle and cuddle it while we’re lying next to one another. It's soft, and just comforting to touch it.
- So now we’re living the dream, only it’s a little more like a nightmare. Thanks for still being in it every time there’s another wake-up moment…
- So with all the stresses and pressures in life, please don’t let your body be one of them. Even though I may not express it enough (I’ll try to do better), you are beautiful. And I love you.
- Some people think the greatest compliment is saying, “You take my breath away.” I beg to differ. You’re the one who stops all the time and reminds me to breathe. I just want you to know, THAT, says a whole lot more about you.
- Some things never get better. But your ability to deal with those problems sure seems to improve more and more all the time. That’s not some rare quality about you— it’s a choice. And I know that.
- Sometimes I say no, not because I want to be excluded, but because being a part of something is hard too. Your support at those moments has meant a lot to me.
- Sometimes my pain pours out of me in ways that make me sound like a real a-hole. You’re so good at not taking it personally.
- Sorry about the noise— the butterflies I feel when you look so amazing are a bit loud.
- Sure I miss having intercourse, but hey, I get to lie with you, and cuddle with you, and nibble parts of you. Nobody else gets to say that. That’s a score in my book!
- Thank you for being trustworthy
- Thank you for letting me have some privacy sometimes when talking to the Dr. about stuff. We don’t keep secrets, and I can talk to you about But sometimes those “anything” topics are just harder to talk about in front of other people.
- Thank you for not expecting me to “overcome,” my disability.
- Thank you for not letting the pain consume me.
- Thank you for not making how my disability presents seem like some character flaw in me, rather than recognizing my illness puts limits on me. Especially when it’s not so apparent to others.
- Thank you for not perpetuating the stereotype and stigma of my having PTSD/Depression/Fill-in-the-blank______. You refocused their attention someplace else. That really helps.
- Thank you for promoting the good in me.
- Thank you for telling the doctor no when they asked you to step out of the room. You know me so well.
- Thank you for valuing me above any offense.
- Thank you that I do not have to change for you.
- Thanks for always reminding me that the only part of my dis-ABILITY that truly defines me are the last seven letters.
- Thanks for being that person who can still identify less with MY feelings in the moment about myself versus the ones you hold as truth day in and day out.
- Thanks for focusing on my strengths today more than my struggles.
- Thanks for helping me change after that. I was embarrassed, and you handled it without comments, or my picking up vibes from your body language. Much appreciated.
- Thanks for helping me leave quietly and quickly because I needed to.
- Thanks for letting me be happy.
- Thanks for not being ashamed of my body.
- Thanks for not being ashamed of your body. I’m pretty fond of it.
- Thanks for not making me your “purpose, or focus, or project.” I appreciate you just letting me be half of US. Just an us.
- Thanks for refocusing me today. I owe you one.
- The stigma that men are not supposed to show any emotion or fear or sadness is a lie that you never leave me feeling like I have to live under.
- The struggle is real. What’s going on is surreal. Your courage right now in the face of both, well, that can only be called You’re incredible.
- The things you say are important.
- The two greatest days in my life: the day I met you, and the day I realized how lucky I am that I did. I’m thankful for so many things, but you most of all.
- The way you keep your face looking so calm when I know you’re totally losing it inside always amazes me. Seriously Oscar-worthy in my opinion. Hopefully when it’s just us, you can enjoy not having to be such a gifted person in this department. (((hug)))
- There is nothing sexier than your taking time to care for your internal world.
- They say, “Fear is what we feel, but brave is what we do.” You put your brave on more than I wish you had to.
- They’re telling me to focus on those things that bring me joy. I’m liable to be caught staring at you a lot in these next few days.
- Things can seem so dark. I don’t mention out loud enough how you’re the “bright side.”
- Thinking about how amazing you are. How gracious. How compassionate. You’re pretty wonderful.
- This diagnosis kind-of swallowed us whole. At least it feels that way. You have been incredible. I just want to say that.
- This is not me sexting. This is not me sexting. This is not me sexting. Okay. It’s me sexting. You are incredible. I can’t help it when my mind wanders your direction…
- Using a dildo is nothing. I’ve got no problem with that. Now those lips of yours; that’s another story! Man, do your kisses send me to the moon and back! Not gonna lie, those are WHOOP-WHOOP-worthy!
- Using a strap-on doesn’t bother me one bit. I could fall into bed with you no matter what equipment you bring or don’t bring, and I’ll still feel like the luckiest lover alive.
- Using enhancers doesn’t make or break how I feel about being allowed to crawl in bed next to you. What happens in bed doesn’t affect how I feel about our intimacy. Your making eye contact with me, now that’s what charges my jets.
- Wait, can you turn around one more time? ;) Stop.
- We are in each other’s lives for a reason. Thank you for showing up.
- We did it again! We made it 'til tomorrow! We’re freaking super heroes!
- We’ve both been avoiding that conversation. Thanks for being the one to start it; I know that took some guts.
- When all my instincts tell me to retreat inward, you’re always the one person I can count on to reach in and carefully draw me back out. Or sit with me until I feel safe coming out on my own.
- When people ask you questions about me even though I’m right there, and you redirect them so I can answer for myself, it means a lot to me. Even though I usually end up letting you answer it in the end. It still means a lot to me.
- When we get to the end of our lives together, the things we possessed, some big career, or the house we lived in, won’t matter. What will matter is that I had you, and you had me, and that's been more than enough happiness. At least it has been for me.
- When we’re in the middle of an argument, and you say, 'Is there more to that?' instead of, 'Are you through now?'” I feel so much safer still talking things through.
- When you cry, it doesn’t make you less masculine to me. In fact, I feel safer knowing you see it as something we’re both equally free to share with each other.
- When you express boundaries in relationship, I feel safe with you.
- When you help me carry the groceries and your muscles are rippling, I feel like leaving them to melt, and just getting you into bed!
- When you invest in yourself, I feel invested in too.
- When you keep your love on in hard situations, I am honored to be your wife/husband/partner.
- When you let me protect you, you give me confidence.
- When you love yourself, I feel loved.
- When you say I can, I believe it.
- When you say you will, I believe it.
- When you say you’re sorry, I trust you even more.
- When you show me weakness, I respect you even more.
- When you stop doing everything you possibly can to make yourself busy, and just let things sink in, no matter how uncomfortable that is, I admire you more in that moment than you could possibly know.
- When you take my hand, I have a hard time walking straight.
- When you’re beside me, I feel invincible.
- When you’re honest with me, it makes me that much more attracted to you.
- Why do I even get dressed when you’re around?
- Working on repairing your mind is more manly than denying it. When I see you putting effort into it, I just want to hold you that much closer so you can hear my heart cheering you on.
- WOW!!! And let me add MEOW!!!
- X-rays can even be fun when you're there to keep me smiling/laughing
- Yes, your butt looks nice in that hospital gown.
- You always let me speak my mind. Thank you.
- You and I are the making of a truly beautiful romantic comedy scene.
- You answer me without it sounding like you’re arguing with me. Huge thank you for that. Huge.
- You are able to leap over mountains of fear and high-five the unknown!
- You are always there with that ever-present gentle hug when I need it the most.
- You are consistent; I appreciate you.
- You are doing a freakingly great job.
- You are genuinely brave.
- You are kinda like a lighthouse in my day-to-day storm.
- You are mine. You are enough.
- You are more thoughtful about my comfort levels than yours.
- You are never too busy for me.
- You are seriously one of a kind. My favorite kind.
- You are so lovable. Thank you for not arguing with me about that being how I feel.
- You are the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to me.
- You: Beautiful, cherished, seen, known, loved.
- You bring more I can and I will out of me. Thank you.
- You define the word HOT!
- You do an incredible job listening to me.
- You do not complain, even when I fall short of your expectations.
- You don’t interrupt me when I talk. That helps me focus and hold on to a thought. You have no idea how much that helps.
- You don’t just let me rest, you let me rest in peace & quiet. Thank you.
- You don’t let other people’s negativity affect your efforts to encourage me and cheer me on. Including mine. Thank you.
- You don’t let our relationship slip into being more of a platonic friendship instead of an in-love partnership. I give you a lot of the credit for that.
- You don’t make me feel like I’m somehow inferior or broke because of my disability. You make it clear it’s just another way for somebody’s mind and body to be.
- You embody elegance.
- You give me hope.
- You give me strength.
- You give the best OoMox! (Note:*You gotta be a Star Trek fan….)
- You handle our life beautifully.
- You have a great laugh.
- You have a life that is inside of you, that is totally unstoppable.
- You have a real gift for reading between the lines
- You have a way with words.
- You have a right to be happy and I'm proud of you for exercising that right. Keep it up.
- You have an absolutely breathtaking heinie, so helping with your "bathrooming" needs is my pleasure!
- You have no idea how often you’re that “single strand” I’m hanging onto by a thread.
- You have seen me at my worst, and you still love me.
- You have the bladder capacity of five people combined.
- You have the cutest brain I’ve ever seen.
- You ignore the words of others telling you what I can’t do, and then fill the hours every day telling me what I
- You inspire me to try ONE MORE TIME, and then one more…
- You know how to make me feel loved. You always pay such close attention and intentionally deliver exactly what I need. Thank you.
- You know just the right ways to spoil me.
- You know me well.
- You know, even with all those darn tubes (bandage wraps, shunts, ports, etc.) running all over the place, you’re still my favorite piece of eye candy ever….
- You let my small, simple step forward, be the focus today. Thank you.
- You listen with your heart; I like that.
- You look awesome today.
- You looked relaxed today; I’ll opt for that too. Thanks for setting the example.
- You make good choices.
- You make me a better me.
- You make me feel celebrated, not tolerated.
- You make me happy when skies are grey. And when labs are too.
- You make talking with you so comfortable.
- You may feel exhausted, rattled, and even useless sometimes, but you, my worn-out lover, are a rock-star.
- You never get bored of the things I go on saying again and again.
- You never hand me Kleenex in order to suggest you want me to stop crying. You just do it to be kind. I appreciate that.
- You never snore while I’m talking to you.
- You never stop advocating for me, thank you.
- You remind me that everything will be alright doesn’t mean everything will stay the same. I'm not afraid for us. We can weather what we need to.
- You rocked handling family time today.
- You should feel so proud of who you are. I sure am.
- You show grace to others very well when they disappoint you.
- You speak with such grace.
- You treat all my body parts with more respect than they treat me.
- You understand me when I’m sobbing.
- Your bravery has strengthened by ability to be braver, a hundred times over.
- You’re a good person. And not just with me.
- You’re a rock when it comes to the not-so-fun times with me.
- You’re a stronger person than you give yourself credit for.
- You’re an extraordinary person for standing beside me through all this.
- You’re awesome! No really, YOU ARE!
- You’re cheerful both before & after coffee.
- You’re kind, even on your bad days.
- You’re one of the only people who's made it clear that just because I’m depressed doesn’t mean I’m depressing.
- You’re polite with everyone; it’s so refreshing.
- You’re so faithful to keep forcing me to ask myself WHY I’m here. Thanks for always believing that I have a purpose in this world.
- You’re the light that comes in through my broken, cracked parts.
- You’re the one person who can always seem to help me focus on what else there is in life for me that’s not centered around my brokenness.
- You’re the reason I smile in my sleep.
- You’ve been able to wake up a long-slumbering part of my soul. I think you’re the first person who honestly meant to remind me that I can still make a positive difference out there.
- You've gotten through every bad day you didn’t think you could get through. I like that about you.
- You’ve made every pound I’ve lost feel happy they knew you.
- Your ability to wear quirky things and make them classy is impressive.
- Your attitude today was U G L Y. I mean like, seriously. But the rest of you HOT, very hot. Sexy hot.
- Your compassion amazes me
- Your discernment is rare and welcomed.
- Your gentleness in caring for me sure makes a difference
- Your hair smells amazing; I love that you enjoy taking care of yourself.
- Your hard work does not go unnoticed.
- Your kisses get me through the day.
- Your love is louder than that constant nagging fear that’s ganging up on me.
- Your selflessness has made an impact on my heart.
- Your skin looks so soft; you are a natural beauty.
- Your smile makes my day brighter.
- Your strength has had to hold us both up more times than is fair. Thank you.
- Your thought processes are deep and peaceful. Your tone is so compassionate.
- Your touch brings me assurance.
- Your vulnerability is inspiring.
- Zzzzzs with you are so much better than alone.