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- Partners of the Pen! Write the Great American novel as a team (or just a short story!) together. Use these writing prompts from if you need help:
If You Could Create a New US holiday, what would it be? What would you do on this day? Why?
You Are on a Deserted Island. You can take one person, whom you have never met before. Whom Would You Take? Why?
If You Are an Only Child, What Would Your Life Be Like with Siblings? If You Have Siblings, What Would Your Life Be Like as an Only Child?
If Your Pencil Could Talk, What Would It Say About You?
What Traits Have You Inherited from Your Mother's (or Father's) side of the family? When Did You Know? Who Else Possesses These Traits?
- Mute the TV. Turn on a TV show, mute the sound, and make up the dialogue yourselves. The funnier, the better!
- Online Shopping! Time to get silly. Have fun together shopping for luxury cars, houses, vacations, pets, anything that you would never buy in real life! Fill up your cart, but never check out!
- Download an old radio show. Choose a night each week to listen to it together.
- Watch a classic musical together on TV.
- Grab your box of old tapes, records, or home movies. Enjoy a trip down memory lane together!
- Go through a box of old photos together. Actually mark the memory in words on the back of the picture. Those words become real treasures eventually.
- Draw and Reveal. Grab a pencil, or charcoal, and a notepad. Have fun drawing each other and revealing your results.
- Mani/Pedi. Give each other (or whoever is able) a manicure or pedicure.
- Foot Rub! Take turns! A hand massage is a really nice treat also.
- Host a Twitter party! Let a small handful of people in your world know you’ll be setting aside a half-hour or so to share Tweets with them that focus solely on encouraging one another’s relationships. Tell them to “come to the event,” ready to share an idea for fun that two lovers can use to strengthen their bonds. Choose an entirely different theme-based one if you’d rather. Date night ideas, best-kept secrets of how to lighten up your partner’s moods, jokes that made you belly laugh the first time you heard them, etc…People can join in from all over, and you’ll start hearing from others who weren’t invited, as well. What a way to enlarge your list of ideas!
- Bring them a ZOO. If they’re animal friendly, both mentally and medically, have some friends swing by their pets one at a time for some hands-on or eyes-on, warm and fuzzy interaction. Get creative as best possible. Use your chain of friends to reach out further than your own personal reach, if possible. Dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, are all good go-tos, but also think along the lines of farm animals, chicks, ducklings, pigmy goats, lambs, piglets, (foals and calves are kinda big, but maybe mini horses?). Lizards, snakes (shudder), turtles, and birds are other potential options. Resist fish as traveling is hard on the little fellas. It's novel, and just for smiles. Even if only a couple animals show up, it’s a nice way to brighten a day.