• Treat your partner to a “drive in movie." Take blankets and the laptop out to the car (or if you’re really high-tech, use a projector on the garage or side of the house!). You can even drive around the block to return and “drive in”!
  • Nap Buddies! When’s the last time you took an intentional nap together? Set the mood with a made bed, some relaxing music, and some comfortable clothes. Then climb in together, fluff your partner’s pillow, and meet in your dreams!
  • Grow together. Plant something together, and have fun watching it grow! It can be as simple as a windowsill herb garden, or as adventurous as growing corn, pumpkins, etc. Maybe consider planting a small flower box or pot for someone else who might need a pick-me-up, or for your parents, or kids.
  • Bath time! Draw a bath, load up the bubbles, climb in together, or draw it one at a time for the other partner, and just relax! Add music or essential oils to the mix if you want! Read to them while they soak. Make it light reading. If you play an instrument, is it something you can play for them while they soak?
  • Picnic Bench Dinner. Do you have a bench in your neighborhood that sits in a peaceful spot? Drive to the bench, lay out a blanket to make it your own, have a seat, and enjoy just taking in the night. (add sunset?)
  • Either/Or Game. Take turns brainstorming “either/or” scenarios i.e. “Chocolate or Vanilla?” “Tropical vacation or Alaskan vacation?” “Mayonnaise or Mustard?” etc. It’s a great way to get to know more about each other!
  • Online Shopping! Time to get silly. Have fun together shopping for luxury cars, houses, vacations, pets, anything that you would never buy in real life! Fill up your cart, but never check out!
  • Magazine day! Head to the closest convenience store, drugstore, etc. Choose a magazine for yourself and one for your partner. Have them do the same. This can be taken any direction! From reading more about a favorite hobby, or catching up on the most outlandish tabloid news, have a fun day curled up with magazines together!
  • Secret Facebook Page! Create a joint Facebook account that you won’t open up to other “friends." Give it a codename, set it up for joint access, and use the space to leave each other love notes, document your relationship, etc.
  • Go see a second-run film. Support your local independent movie theater! Many of these theaters offer matinees for under $5. Its a great option for a more low-key movie experience.
  • Mad Libs Marathon. Grab some Mad Libs, or create your own. This can provide endless laughs!
  • Do a simple chore such as matching and folding socks together, but place a clothes basket just far enough away that, as you fold them, you can also shoot hoops with them for fun. If energy or pain levels are at a serious low, place that basket all the closer.
  • Draw some in-the-moment love tattoos on one another. Keep them private where no one else will see them, or throw your brave on and place them so others WILL see. Great conversation-starter to help encourage other singles and couples to air out their lighter romantic sides.
  • Do an “On-speaker phone’” joint phone call to old friends, neighbors, your grandparents, anyone whom you haven’t had recent contact with, and let them know they’re on your minds. Sometimes having someone else there to help carry the conversation helps when you’re worn out, but still want to reach out.
  • Why not write a single paragraph on those days when you have less steam for going out, and put them together for an end-of-the-year, "Here’s what we did this year as a couple" message, to send out at the holidays? OR, you can be novel and do one that comes completely out of the blue to people, so they’re not lumped in to a holiday landslide of update letters. People love to hear from others, and getting mail is enjoyable when it’s not a bill. Or you can email it to save money. Still, a surprise message from you would be welcome. Keeping an open document of your thoughts and updates, where it captures your world, has the potential to be a great read down the road, even for yourselves.
  • If the ones who raised you are still alive and you’re in good relationship with them, have some fun as a couple and pull a page from your past out for fun… Trace your hands like a small child would and color them with crayons. Using child-like letters, scribble a love note to them saying, HI _______, I hope you’re having a great day. I’m still glad you’re my _______. Love, _________ (If they had a pet name for you, this is the time to use it!)
  • Throwing in an idea: Sit back-to-back. One person has a paper and coloring utensils. The other person looks at and describes a funny or interesting picture/photograph, mental image, memory, or story, while the person with the drawing materials tries to draw and color what is being described. Then enjoy the final product.
  • Another idea: Individually, try to recall what one of your homes looked like, especially from childhood. You may want to choose whichever home holds the most positive memories. Sketch out the home, then start adding details and labeling areas inside or outside with what you remember. For example, playing hide-and-seek with a neighbor, building a snowman, being stung by a bee, making cookies with a grandparent, etc. Then, pick a story to tell your partner or describe all of them--up to you.