When a night out on the town just ain’t gonna happen…
- When you’re unable to go to the hottest restaurant in town: Get as naked as you’re comfortable with, haul out some cookbooks or find a cooking site on line, and make your dinner in the buff. Then eat it in the buff. Do the dishes in the buff. Take plenty of time to enjoy your partner doing each of these tasks… Now where’s the hottest eatery in town huh?
- When you’re unable to go see the newest hot release movie: Get as naked as you’re comfortable with, and throw on the rental or pick up a DVD, of another hot movie you also weren’t able to make it out to a few weeks or months ago. Then take turns every 15 minutes or so, doing something sensual to your partner which ensures they’re going to miss the next scene... Once it’s over, the hottest new release will take on a whole new meaning. And odds are, if you try to re-watch the movie you rented, certain scenes will never be quite the same, even though this time, you ARE watching…
- When you’re unable to make it to the hottest dance club in the city: Get as naked as you’re comfortable with, get on line and watch some YouTube of other couples throwing down some latest and greatest dance moves, or even just doing some basic “new to you.” ones, then try your best to replicate what you watched. Doesn’t matter whether your circumstances mirror theirs, just move your bodies in unison as best possible. No matter how often you pull off this night in, you’ll always be the winners of the hottest couple dance!
- When you’re unable to make it to the hottest new art exhibit in town: Get as naked as you’re comfortable with, and either paint one another’s bodies, or specific parts. You can use shaving cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, etc., if you don’t want to use actual paint. Try making prints on some poster board, or canvas, or just standard sized pieces of paper, using which ever body part your partner most wants to see and you’re game for. Partners with mobility limitations, can assist rolling their lovers over onto the medium chosen if needed. It gets interesting seeing those prints on differing sized items… And one of the best prints every might be your partners hands obviously being printed because they were caught under various body parts helping with an assist… Then when are time is over, shower together or sponge bathe one another off. You will have “one upped,” that hot new exhibit by a long shot. Feel free to plaster them on the bedroom ceiling for long lasting smiles.
- When you’re unable to make it to the hottest music concert in town: Get as naked as you’re comfortable with, and make your bed the center stage! Take turns Karaoke singing to your partner, or lip-synching, and put on a good show for them. Stand or kneel on the bed if you can, looming over your lover, allowing them to reach out to you and maybe get to touch you briefly like your teenage girls vying to make contact with the artist on stage. Get silly. Get sexy. Seriously put on a show. In between songs, or at half time, invite your guest back stage… Take turns being the artist as best meets the need. Do a duet or two. Who needs to spend money on those hot concert tickets?
- When you’re unable to make it to the hottest casino in town: Get as naked as you’re comfortable with, (feel free to start this date with some good ole fashioned strip poker in keeping with the theme) and spend the evening playing whatever types of games of skill or luck you choose. Unlike at the casinos, it’s totally within the rules to stack the deck by using your full exposure to distract your partner in order to increase your odds of winning! Hopefully, you’ll end up both feeling HOT that night at the winner’s table.